Mediabank is a cloud based toolbox that allows you to access your media from anywhere, anytime. You can search, process and distribute anything from your entire media library.
Publish your magic moments to websites, social media, television or media partners in a single click. This app gives you more than you would expect from a digital archive.
This app gives you more than you would expect from a digital archive.
REQUEST A DEMO >If you are working in production this is how you use Compliance. Upload via AdEx – Choose Destination Compliance. Your receiver might be a Broadcaster, and right here, in Compliance the broadcaster may view your production. The broadcaster may now use annotations to inform production of changes or modifications needed for it to be approved.
REQUEST A DEMO >A lets you approve, reject or comment on material in a production phase or as a final check before going to air. It is an extensive collaboration tool that where you and your clients decide whether the material is good to go or not. Approval by a third party via a mobile phone may sometimes be very convenient. If you want to, any new comments can be sent by an automated email subscription to the recipients of your choice. Once all material is approved, it is transferred automatically in the correct format and resolution to wherever you want it to go.
REQUEST A DEMO >At first, AdEx is going to ask you a few questions, just to get to know you. But after you’ve sent your first couple of ads, this app remembers your preferences. It will remember which advertisers you work for and which channels and formats they prefer. And it will most certainly remember what country you usually send your ads to. Do yourself a favor, try it.