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What is Mediabank?

Mediabank is an award-winning cloud-based toolbox with an intuitive and user-friendly interface that allows you to access your media from anywhere, anytime. You can search, process and distribute anything from your entire media library using your favorite browser on your own computer, tablet or phone.

Trusted by the world's best.

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Collaboration Made Simple UX

Search, process & distribute your entire media library at the touch of a button.

  • Features

    Something important here.


Important text here.


Important text here.


Important text here.


Important text here.

Free app

Timeline markets

Instant feedback


Social media auto pub

Advanced event search

M boxes

Metadata inspector

  • Features

    Something important here.


Share all of your assets easily

Publish your magic moments to websites, social media, television or media partners in a single click. This app gives you more than you would expect from a digital archive.

This app gives you more than you would expect from a digital archive.


More Sharing

Advanced Event

w/ Markers

Frame Accurate




Reject or approve any master coming through

If you are working in production this is how you use Compliance. Upload via AdEx – Choose Destination  Compliance. Your receiver might be a Broadcaster, and right here, in Compliance the broadcaster may view your production. The broadcaster may now use annotations to inform production of changes or modifications needed for it to be approved.


instant feedback


Approve or reject online

Frame accurate player

Review & Approval

Collaboration made easy

A lets you approve, reject or comment on material in a production phase or as a final check before going to air. It is an extensive collaboration tool that where you and your clients decide whether the material is good to go or not. Approval by a third party via a mobile phone may sometimes be very convenient. If you want to, any new comments can be sent by an automated email subscription to the recipients of your choice. Once all material is approved, it is transferred automatically in the correct format and resolution to wherever you want it to go.


Advanced event search


Timeline with markers

Frame accurate player


Your new digital ad courier

At first, AdEx is going to ask you a few questions, just to get to know you. But after you’ve sent your first couple of ads, this app remembers your preferences. It will remember which advertisers you work for and which channels and formats they prefer. And it will most certainly remember what country you usually send your ads to. Do yourself a favor, try it.


Free Library app


Collaboration app

Social Media auto publishing

Mediabank enables you to ingest, manage and distribute your digital content from anywhere, anytime, to any destination

Mediabank provides a wide range of solutions for different markets - like Rights Holders, Broadcasters and Corporations. It leverages the NEP cloud which provides high scalability and instantaneous content availability. Mediabank also powers major events across the globe ranging from large corporate launches to the Olympic Games. Pick from apps and features that allow you to store, search, interact and share your video content.

Lorum Ipsum

Mediabank allows you to access your media from anywhere, anytime.

Lorum Ipsum

Mediabank Allows You To Access Your Media From Anywhere, Anytime.

Lorum Ipsum

Mediabank Allows You To Access Your Media From Anywhere, Anytime.

Lorum Ipsum

Mediabank Allows You To Access Your Media From Anywhere, Anytime.

File and Metadata ingest

Upload your content in our browser-based application, add your unique content ID, and automatically link assets and metadata together to easily manage and distribute according to your digital rights guidelines. Use our Live Ingest feature to record your live feeds, synchronize multiple angles, add metadata, run automated workflows like auto-clips, all while the action is happening. Shortening the time from big play on the field to playout on your audience’s devices.


Smart Metadata templates

Auto & Manual QC

Accelerated & secure

All Professional formats

Destination Fast Track

Collaboration made easy

Collaboration and approval

This is the web application that lets you approve, comment on and/or reject material in a production or compliance process. It is an extensive collaboration tool that lets you decide whether your content is acceptable or if it needs adjustments before going on air by commenting directly on the timeline. You can include your comments in an automated email subscription to your production team, customer or similar. Once the material is approved, it is transferred ”automagiacally” in the correct format and resolution to your media outlet, badaboom!


Next Gen Collaboration

Workflow automation

Project worklists

Revision control

Manage your media and MEtadata

Filter and access all your stored media and assets. While in Library, you can play, view and publish the content from any device. You can preview clips in your Library with the integrated media player and get detailed information about your content. Feel free to add tags and comments to any piece of stored media, as you wish.


Ultimate media management

Metadata driven

Advanced dynamic search

Auto publishing & distribution

Comprehensive logging


Your new digital ad courier

Your new digital advertisement and master content courier. We’ve created this guy right here to remove the hassle of sending and versioning your deliveries. What most people want to do is to stick to what they’re good at. In your case, that is creating excellent content for your customers. Yes, we do understand that you are not enjoying the never-ending web forms. So we´ve made it a lot easier for you. Just create it, and then have AdEx send it off.


Free Library app


Collaboration app

Social Media auto publishing

Review & Approval

Collaboration made easy

This is the web application that lets you approve, comment on and/or reject material in a production or compliance process. It is an extensive collaboration tool that lets you decide whether your content is acceptable or if it needs adjustments before going on air by commenting directly on the timeline. You can include your comments in an automated email subscription to your production team, customer or similar. Once the material is approved, it is transferred ”automagiacally” in the correct format and resolution to your media outlet, badaboom!


Advanced event search


Timeline with markers

Frame accurate player

Unlock the potential of your media assets

Designed to streamline your media workflows & maximize efficiency, Mediabank combines cutting-edge technology with unparalleled support, offering a comprehensive suite of features to revolutionize your content management processes.

If you are using Mediabank, you have to try our Mediabank Mobile App!

You'll our mobile app

The fastest and easiest way to upload and ingest your photos and videos to your Mediabank account. Just sign in with your Mediabank credentials and start uploading at once – it´s that simple!

Get the mobile app

Lorum ipsum

Click the Tags workspace if you need to log an event of any kind. Use it online while the event is taking place, whether it’s a game of sports or your reality show taking place. Use your preferred device to add labels and descriptions. The tags will refer to the time of day, same as your high-res content, enabling the data to be automatically merged with the video in your Mediabank account. When used with Mediabank’s Gateway™ options, you can even set it up for instant highlights and auto publishing!

learn more >

instant feedback


Approve or reject online

Frame accurate player


Lorum ipsum

Click the Tags workspace if you need to log an event of any kind. Use it online while the event is taking place, whether it’s a game of sports or your reality show taking place. Use your preferred device to add labels and descriptions. The tags will refer to the time of day, same as your high-res content, enabling the data to be automatically merged with the video in your Mediabank account. When used with Mediabank’s Gateway™ options, you can even set it up for instant highlights and auto publishing!

learn more >

instant feedback


Approve or reject online

Frame accurate player


Lorum ipsum

Click the Tags workspace if you need to log an event of any kind. Use it online while the event is taking place, whether it’s a game of sports or your reality show taking place. Use your preferred device to add labels and descriptions. The tags will refer to the time of day, same as your high-res content, enabling the data to be automatically merged with the video in your Mediabank account. When used with Mediabank’s Gateway™ options, you can even set it up for instant highlights and auto publishing!

learn more >

instant feedback


Approve or reject online

Frame accurate player

Discover how Mediabank makes Discovery´s life easier

Enter your email to download our whitepaper to learn how Discovery used Mediabank to increase efficiency when distributing the 2018 Winter Olympic games to their networks around the world.

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Header About Discovery

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We are speeding up operations, added brand new functionality, and a new improved interface with new dedicated workspaces. Our development team are working constantly, improving your service and we have added some very useful new features. Enjoy!


NEP is the leading worldwide provider of outsourced production solutions offering technical services for remote production, studio production, video display, host broadcasting, post production, smart asset / media management, multi-screen delivery and end- to-end OTT solutions. More

If you are using Mediabank, you have to try our Mediabank Mobile App!

Still not convinced about Mediabank?


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. 

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. 

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Share all of your assets easily

The fastest and easiest way to upload and ingest your photos and videos to your Mediabank account. Just sign in with your Mediabank credentials and start uploading at once – it´s that simple!


"Breaking, risk taking & innovative"

"I thank you all for your productive contribution and making this ground breaking, risk taking, innovative adventure a success. You have all participated towards taking Eurosport into a new era, crossing exciting new frontiers, and we hope to expand on this moving forwards into the future"

Mark Miles

"The collaboration has been the best"

"A really fantastic team, the collaboration I had from the start and now, has just been the best. The support they have given me, and the Discovery /Eurosport teams during this event, proves we made the right choice in NEP and Mediabank. The Mediabank team have been exceptional and without the dedication, we would have been in a difficult place"

PM, MAM & Workflows, Olympics 2018
DISCOVERY Communications

"The most advanced solution on the market"

“The Swiss Football League is proud to offer its clubs the most advanced solution on the market for access to and the distribution of video material from the week´s and archived matches"

Roger Müller

head of media & marketing

"We pushed the team, but they delivered."

"The scale of the task was probably bigger than we expected but without the NEP team in Oslo, our aspirations would not have been realized, it goes without saying that we pushed the team, but they delivered."

John Honeycutt

Discovery Communications

Get in touch to learn more

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